What documentation do I need to supply?
Under the Graduate route, you must score 70 points for successful course completion. Points are awarded with reference to the following requirements:
1. Successful completion requirement
2. Qualification requirement
3. Study in the UK requirement
Successful completion
To satisfy this requirement, a candidate must have been sponsored by a higher education provider with a track record of compliance; you must have completed the course during your last grant of permission to study; and your sponsor must have notified the Home Office that you have successfully completed the course prior to your application being submitted. You would need to show evidence from your higher education provider that you have successfully completed your course and that this has been reported to the Home Office.
To satisfy this requirement you must provide evidence that you have successfully completed a specified course of study (noted above) in your last grant of leave. Documentary evidence can include your degree certificate and your degree transcript.
Study in the UK
To comply with this requirement, you must be able to demonstrate that you have studied in the UK for at least 12 months of your course. The Immigration Rules specify that any period of distance learning between 24 January 2020 and 30 June 2022 as part of a course of study lasting longer than 12 months whilst the applicant held permission as a Student, will not prevent an applicant from meeting the requirement to spend the relevant period of studying in the UK.
You will also need to provide evidence of your UK residence since your last grant of leave to remain in the UK. This can include providing official correspondence such as council tax bills, medical letters or any other official correspondence.