Indian woman-Young Professionals Scheme
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A quick 5-point assessment of the new UK/India 'Migration and Mobility Partnership'​ and the ‘Young Professionals Scheme’

1. What is the Migration and Mobility Partnership?

Announced on 04 May 2021, the Government is calling the Migration and Mobility Partnership a “professional and cultural exchange programme”. For immigration purposes, it simplifies some aspects of immigration (including return of overstayers in the UK) and includes a “special Young Professionals scheme to allow young Indian and British professionals to work and live in each other’s country for two years”.

2. Who is the Young Professionals Scheme for?

The Scheme will cover Indian nationals aged between 18–30 years. Note the emphasis on ‘professionals’; successful candidates will need relevant prior education (most commonly a relevant degree for their proposed UK employment), or relevant professional experience.

3. How long will it allow the individual to stay in the UK?

The Young Professionals Scheme will allow a maximum 2-year stay in the UK. Individuals can only make use of the Scheme once. We do not currently have a fixed date for when the Scheme will open.

4. Are their limitations on the scheme?

Yes. The qualification criteria are specific, and only a maximum 3000 people per year can benefit from the Young Professionals Scheme. Basic requirements we see in other routes relating to English language ability and maintenance also apply.

5. How does it compare with other schemes?

The closest comparator is the Youth Mobility option under the existing rules. The Young Professionals Scheme is certainly less flexible than that option; the specific qualification criteria are much more restrictive, and the places available are lower (compare 3000 places for India with the 30,000 places on offer for Australian nationals). The Youth Mobility option does now permit migrants to switch to another immigration route in-country (for example, a switch to sponsored work), so it is anticipated that the Young Professionals Scheme will do the same.

If you would like to discuss your options for UK migration, call us on 0300 131 6767 .

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