Mother & daughter - case study

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Successful grant of Leave To Remain for American child joining her mother

This case study presents what happened when a minor American citizen who was initially visiting her mother in the UK decided to stay. Discover how Latitude Law navigated the complexities of her case to secure a successful outcome. 

The Challenges Faced 

Our client lived with her father and elder sister in America. She visited her mother in the UK who is married to a British citizen, and decided she wished to remain in the UK. To support her application to remain, she needed to demonstrate that her mother was solely responsible for her. This was complicated as our client had previously lived with her father in America. 

How Latitude Law Helped 

Our client’s mother sought our help after hearing about our comprehensive immigration services. To tackle this complex case, we argued that despite the prior living arrangements, her mother held ultimate and sole responsibility for our client on the date of the application and had been significantly responsible previously. We also emphasised the considerable improvement in our client’s mental health since her move to the UK. 

The Outcome 

Our strategy and argument led to our client being granted Leave To Remain in the UK with her mother. 

The client said: “The legal support and advice from Latitude Law have been nothing short of excellent. They have given me the confidence to navigate through such a complex process.” 

Contact Us 

Are you facing challenges with your child dependant visa application? Latitude Law is here to help. Our proven track record in handling complex cases ensures that we can guide you effectively through the process. Don’t hesitate to reach out and secure the same successful outcome.  

Call Latitude Law now on 0300 131 6767 or fill in our enquiry form below to request a call back. 

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