Siblings - case study

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Assisted 3 minors applying for British citizenship on discretionary basis although family not yet settled in UK

This case study explores how Latitude Law’s strong knowledge of published Home Office guidance for discretionary citizenship applications, and of when that guidance may be tested to its limit.

The Challenges Faced

Without already being settled in the UK, on face value, it was unlikely that the 3 children of this family would succeed in their applications for British citizenship on a discretionary basis.

How Latitude Law Helped

Latitude Law assisted with compiling strong evidence and supporting representations to argue that the intentions of the family were clearly for their futures to be in the UK.

The Outcome

Their applications succeeded, meaning the family were able to save thousands of pounds of future application fees. This grant was particularly important for the eldest of these children who was close to turning 18 and is now able to benefit from home fees for attending a UK university.

Contact Us 

Are you looking to make your and your family’s future in the UK? Latitude Law is here to help. We are British nationality experts who can help you prepare the strongest application possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out and find out how we can make your family’s immigration dreams a reality.

Call Latitude Law now on 0300 131 6767 or fill in our enquiry form below to request a call back. 

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